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To insure that a student is receiving a complete and in depth education in the practice of Chinese medical herbalism, we have developed the following programs. You may register for one of the programs below and receive a Certificate of Completion after successfully completing all course work. In order to qualify for the Certified Herbalist Certificate from ICH you must complete the entire series of courses listed below.

Note: Health professionals who have a background in Chinese Herbology may be able to skip some courses in the Comprehensive Herbalist Training (Program One) depending on their knowledge of Chinese Herbology. Please call or email us if you have any questions as to whether your background qualifies you to skip any courses.

Program Two

Advanced Herbalist Training
132 hrs

Program Three

Clinical Herbalist Training
100 hrs

The above times do not include study hours; this could easily add an additional 200 hrs. Students can work at their own pace, there is no time limit to complete these courses.

The Certified Herbalist Certificate you receive from ICH confirms that you have completed a high level course of training in Chinese medical theory and herbal formulation. You can now consider yourself a Certified Herbalist who is able to effectively diagnose and prescribe herbal formulas in accordance with the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Concerning State Licensing for Herbalists

At this time, no state has authorized separate licensing for practicing herbalists. In many states, only a licensed Acupuncturist or Naturopath can legally prescribe herbs using a western diagnosis. However, that does not prevent you from seeing patients and suggesting formulas for them in accordance with Chinese Medical theory.

So it is not using herbs that is at issue but diagnosing a western named disease and suggesting a treatment, without having a medical license issued from the state you practice in.

There are thousands of herbalists practicing in America and Europe. In the West, Herbalists have been accepted as healers for hundreds of years. In China herbalists have been mainstays of the medical healing arts for thousands of years.

Acupuncture School and Licensing – You can now receive credit for ICH courses.

Through a special arrangement with Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture (PIHMA) in Arizona, students who complete the ICH program qualify to “test out” and receive credit for their work. Students wishing to use ICH education in conjunction with other acupuncture schools: please contact your school to determine if they will allow you to transfer credits. This can shorten the time you need to spend in acupuncture school and lower your educational fees.