Frequently Asked Questions


  • I am a 4th year acupuncture student interested in learning more about Chinese Medical Herbalism. My school only teaches acupuncture. I have a firm foundation in Chinese medical theory. Given my background, which program, 1 or 2, would you recommend?
    As you know by now, herbs are an important part of TCM and crucial to your having a successful TCM practice. In our program, you will start learning herbs in Introduction to Chinese Herbology (second class in Program One) wherein you will receive 60 herb samples. Our teaching is quite different than traditional herbology training in that we teach you herbs and formulas and how to modify those formulas to suit your patient's needs, all at the same time. This will allow you to look at a formula and have a very good sense of how the formula works; although not perfect due to varied amounts of each herb, or, for example, the addition of one herb in a formula that will turn a Yin Tonic into a Yang Tonic. In the 3rd class, Art of Diagnosis we introduce tongue and pulse to the student. You can skip this class as well. The next class, Key Concepts and although you know this for acupuncture, we are introducing herbs and formulas here so I would suggest from this point not skipping classes. The cool thing about our program is that you can easily go back and refresh your knowledge from prior materials. The classes you purchase live in the cloud so you can download as many times as you like. Also, there is no deadline for completing your classes so if you start ICH while you are finishing up your last year in acupuncture, then start your clinic, you can continue your herb education as time permits.  
  • Are your classes audio only?
    We acknowledge that students enjoy watching video presentations. Since we changed from a bricks-and-mortar school in 1985, our classes have always been audio classes while you, the student follow along using PDF notes. Ken Morris (co-founder of ICH) said it would be too big of a project to convert to video, and he felt a video would distract a student from their learning. The student would be focused more on the instructor’s appearance, background, and the like rather than the materials presented in the studies. Our teaching methods are still cutting-edge teaching herbology, but maybe the teaching style is a little boring compared to today’s video speed frames.
  • What if I have a question?
    Your classes are Distance Learning – they are recorded so you do not have dialog with an instructor as you would if you were in a classroom. If you do have questions about the teaching subject you can send an e-mail and it will be answered. We are located in the Pacific Time Zone and generally, your questions will be answered the same day.
  • What about textbooks? Do you offer resources for supplies and equipment?
    We will suggest some herb suppliers but we do not supply bulk herbs. The web opens up vast resources for purchasing supplies. In an early class, we mention “The Web That Has No Weaver” by Ted Kaptchuk. Most students interested in TCM have a copy or have read it. If not, you can find a used copy for around $10. on the web. ICH supplies all the materials you need for your classes.
  • Do your instructors speak Mandarin or read/speak Chinese?
    Our instructors are English first-language instructors that have studied in China and learned Chinese writing and speaking however all of the classes are spoken in English.
  • Can I practice Herbology with your Certified Herbalist Certificate?
    By the time you finish Program Three and get your Certified Herbalist, you will be able to treat most every person that walks through the door. You will find that most people who see an herbalist are seeking us as a last resort. You will be presented with some very complex cases. We teach you to get to the Root of the imbalance and treat it. You can put your education that you receive at the Institute of Chinese Herbology to work for you immediately because herbs are not generally mentioned in the statutes in state laws; it specifically states that although an acupuncturist is licensed to “prescribe the use of ... nutrition, including the incorporation of drugless substances and herbs as dietary supplements to promote health.” “Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any person who does not possess an acupuncturist’s license from ... prescribing the use of... nutrition [including “drugless substances and herbs”] to promote health, so long as such activities are not performed or prescribed in connection with the practice of acupuncture (or by implication the practice of medicine).” The only real concern is whether or not one is practicing medicine without a license. We teach you what and what not to say about your patient’s health in terms of disease or medical advice.


  • How long do we have access to the downloads for the classes we purchase?
    All of our classes are MP3 audio and PDF notes downloaded. We create an account for you on our website and load your classes immediately after your purchase. You have access and can download these classes as many times as you want. Your account does not go away.

General Questions

  • I’m interested in learning about Herbalism. I am currently a certified massage therapist. How can I make a career out of this program? Will I be able to have my own practice using herbs?
    Our program will teach you the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yin and Yang of Organs, proper patient Diagnosis, the identification and usage of herbs, Traditional formulas, and modifying those formulas (also creating your own.) After you go through our program, we will present you with a Certified Herbalist Certificate. The certificate will show others that you have a thorough understanding of diagnosing and treating imbalances in a person’s health with Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs. You can open your own herbalist practice, or work in a clinic of practitioners (Acupuncturists, Naturopathic Doctors, not usually Medical Doctors, but I do know of one that has employed an herbalist in his practice.) As you already are an MT, you can identify certain imbalances as you work with your patients; you will have an even more acute perception when you go through our program – just after finishing Program One.
  • I wanted to do all classes one at a time but would like guidance as to where I should start. I have seen other places that take more than a year to finish, is this a fast-paced course and if so, will it be effective?

    Our school was designed in 1980 to teach Traditional Chinese Medicine to acupuncturists because many schools either did not have an herbal program or it was totally inadequate to train the practitioner how to use herbs. It was a “bricks-and-mortar” school in Berkeley, CA but because of our students’ demands for having an active clinic, we made ICH a distance learning school in 1985 pioneering this educational teaching method at the time. After all these years our teaching method is still cutting-edge when it comes to teaching herbology. We believe audio is the best form of training for you, the student because it allows you to focus on the hearing of the training and the visual of the notes.

    When you get through our program, you will be able to treat almost every person who walks through the door. You will find that most people who see an herbalist are seeking us as a last resort. You will be presented with some very complex cases. We teach you to find the Root of the imbalance and treat it. You asked about the speed of getting your education. Our classes are taught using a systematic teaching methodology (a holistic perspective of Chinese medicine) to give you the student theory, and herb identification (160 herb samples are included and we teach the properties of these herbs as well i.e.: warm, cold, tonic, etc.), diagnosis, tongue & pulse, how to treat your patient with patent formulas, modified patent formulas, or your formulas. You will find that herbs accelerate the benefits of acupuncture. In our program, we include all teaching notes, herbs, and lectures. You do not need other materials. It is a complex and comprehensive teaching system that accelerates you from the boring traditional learning of herbs into an action learning of herbology, getting you involved in learning the body, single herbs, and formulas, and changing those formulas all in one sitting. It is very thorough, and you will learn Chinese herbs from it. How long with it take? It is up to you and the time you allocate to your learning. There are 125 audio hours in Program One; 132 hours in Program Two; and approx. 100 hours in Program Three to get your Certified Herbalist Certificate. The time it takes to complete your classes is up to you and your schedule. There is no time limit or deadline to finish and the best part, if you didn’t catch a specific part or aspect, you can easily go back and hear it again.